
Highest x-ray resolution performance

Patent-pending technology
Spatial resolution of 0.3 µm
Submicron resolution, even for large working distances

NEW: Breakthrough Released November 2023

Key Advantages:

Leading: 300nm (0.3 µm) Spatial Resolution

EclipseXRM is a revolutionary system that bridges the x-ray microscope (XRM) gap between micro-XRM and nano-XRM, offering resolutions below 0.3 µm spatial resolution, even for large samples. This resolution far surpasses that of the leading flexible XRMs on the market, which are limited to ~0.5 µm spatial resolution.

The highest resolution achievable by the system is not only best-in-class, but is also achieved using a highly efficient detection system. This enables much higher throughput when imaging at smaller voxel sizes than other systems on the market.

An example of the EclipseXRM’s resolution advantage over a leading x-ray microscope (XRM) can be easily seen on a shale rock sample (illustrated below). The images from a leading XRM with 0.5 µm spatial resolution using a 20X objective is shown on the left, while the EclipseXRM’s powerful high resolution image is shown on the right hand side. Not only is the EclipseXRM data far markedly crisper (almost SEM-like in sharpness), but the EclipseXRM’s data was also acquired in a fraction of the time (2.5 hours vs. 4 hours). Furthermore, EclipseXRM’s dataset had sufficient signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for simple FDK (Feldkamp-Davis-Kress) reconstruction, while the leading XRM’s 20X data was reconstructed using time-consuming iterative reconstruction due to poor SNR.

EclipseXRM achieves higher resolution, faster: The same carbonate sample imaged on a leading XRM with two-stage magnification and EclipseXRM. The leading system advertises ~0.5 µm spatial resolution and used a 20X magnification objective to acquire the data in 4 hours, while EclipseXRM acquired 0.3 µm data in <2 hours.
Submicron Resolution, even at Large Working Distances

Large samples and samples in situ typically require larger clearance around the sample for a complete rotation. This can therefore result in poor resolution on standard x-ray systems. One common strategy that has been heavily marketed to address this problem has been to use a “two-stage magnification” scheme using high magnification objective lenses. However, this has trade-offs in detector efficiency.

EclipseXRM’s new, patent-pending architecture offers an alternative to prior approaches, enabling submicron resolution at large working distances without needing high magnification objective lenses (see below).

Novel Multi-Spectral Imaging Enables Maximum Versatility

EclipseXRM was engineered to address the needs of busy central research facilities, encountering a wide variety of sample shapes, sizes, and compositions. These research facilities are often tasked with imaging the samples at the best quality and at the fastest acquisition times. As no single set of components can address the full range, EclipseXRM can incorporate multiple x-ray sources and detectors into a single system. One key option is a Multi-Spectral Source (MSS), which provides unique access to multiple quasi-monochromatic beams of x-rays (unlike the polychromatic x-rays produced by most system’s sources). This provides the outstanding contrast needed for extremely challenging samples, such as low-Z structures in novel lithium battery concepts and biological samples.

EclipseXRM optionally incorporates a Multi-Spectral Source, which produces quasi-monochromatic x-rays for outstanding contrast for challenging samples.

System Features

Novel Architecture: Patent-Pending and Patented X-ray Technology

EclipseXRM was designed by Dr. Wenbing Yun, who has won over four prestigious R&D 100 awards for his x-ray microscope innovations and has pioneered synchrotron and laboratory x-ray microscopes for the past four decades. The system takes advantage of several patent-pending and patented innovations that have been developed by Sigray, as well as the most recent hardware advances such as maintenance-free air-bearing rotary stages with sub-50nm runout and high-efficiency CMOS sensors.

The system has been adopted by some of the leading semiconductor companies and research institutions around the world. (To request a set of complimentary demos on a local system or by Sigray, fill out the form below)

Progressive Zoom Capabilities

EclipseXRM provides LFOV survey scans (including Ultra-Ultra LFOV scans using a 25MP+ detector) that are used for identifying regions of interest. The regions of interest can be continuously refined without cutting the sample. See below for a commercial anti-acid, progressively zoomed in while keeping the sample intact.

Software: GigaRecon Tomography & Sigray3D Acquisition

GigaRecon | A tomographic reconstruction software that pairs the fastest reconstruction times with an unmatched suite of features for achieving the best result every time. Reconstruction speeds of <45 seconds are achieved for 2048 x 2048 x 2200 datasets. GigaRecon also provides the fastest iterative tomography reconstruction on the market, enabling high quality image reconstruction with five times shorter data collection times, substantially accelerating tomography imaging time over conventional FDK reconstruction.

Sigray3D | Intuitive Acquisition with XRM Companion
  • Easy, intuitive software gets your team up and running in no time
  • Click to align the sample and start measuring in seconds
  • AI-powered AutoPilot suggests the optimal settings for each sample
  • Queue samples with the automated Sample Handling Robot (SHR) for weekend and overnight runs without operator assistance
GigaRecon provides powerful reconstruction approaches that can significantly accelerate acquisition time. Left is a human tooth with a metal implant reconstructed through standard FDK (feldkamp), right is Gigarecon reconstruction of the same 5 minute data.
XRM Companion features an intuitive GUI for acquiring and measuring data
Phase Retrieval

EclipseXRM provides practical phase contrast for biological/polymeric and geological samples, which can be accessed on the system without requiring the very long acquisition times required by other systems. The phase contrast information can furthermore be retrieved using Sigray’s phase retrieval software for easy quantification and analysis.

EclipseXRM provides phase contrast imaging capabilities and straightforward phase retrieval to enable enhanced data analysis
Deep Learning / AI Based Routines

Sigray offers a wide variety of AI-enhanced routines, including deep learning to improve segmentation speed (and quality) and to increase acquisition time by 4X or more (see right-hand image).

Deep learning based segmentation routine, which improves accuracy and speed of segmentation. Above is a segmentation of different minerals within a kidney stone. Enabled using Dragonfly.


Semiconductor Failure Analysis

3D x-ray microscopy has become the workhorse approach to investigating failures in semiconductor packaging. Due to the ever-decreasing sizes of packaging features, ever-increasing resolution is required to determine failures such as cracks, voids, and delamination. The zoomed-in on a single wire bond shown on the right demonstrates both the superior resolution and contrast of EclipseXRM for semiconductor samples.

Note: Most of our results cannot be shown due to NDA reasons. If you would like a true understanding of our capabilities, please send us a sample so that we can demonstrate on your sample. The universal response to our semiconductor FA capabilities have been extreme excitement due to the unpredented level of detail and contrast that can be achieved.

Microbumps imaged: leading XRM vs. EclipseXRM
MicroSD card imaged at 0.15um
Intact Batteries and Batteries in-operando

EclipseXRM provides variable resolution within a sample, allowing hierarchical characterization of batteries – from the full field of view (FOV) to detailed region-of-interest imaging – without the need to de-package the battery. This allows non-destructive identification of problems such as small defects (e.g., cracks, particles) and shorts. EclipseXRM also provides high resolution for detailed information on electrode particles, capturing their shape, size, and the presence of defects (voids, cracks).

Sigray’s powerful capabilities for batteries and the associated papers can be found on its Batteries applications page.

Ultrahigh resolution (0.21 um voxel) imaging of battery cathode particles
Region of interest of battery cathode particles (0.21 um)
Cross-sectional view of an intact coin cell, showing flexibility of EclipseXRM
Biological and Polymer Samples

Biological and other light samples, such as polmers, can be extremely challenging to image with conventional x-ray techniques, such as microCT, due to their low absorption and ultrahigh resolution needs. EclipseXRM provides both superior contrast and superior resolution to resolve sub-cellular details.

Shown in the example to the right is a mouse sciatic nerve sample, demonstrating that the system’s ultrahigh resolution clearly details the axons and myelin sheaths.

Mouse sciatic nerve samples at 0.25 µm
Cropped region of interest of mouse sciatic nerve cells (0.25 µm)
In-situ Microstructural Evolution

A significant advantage of EclipseXRM’s design is its ability to maintain high submicron resolutions for large samples, enabling high fidelity imaging of samples placed in larger in-situ cells. The system can image 3D microstructural evolution in samples under various conditions, including: heating, cooling, tension and compression (T&C), fluid/gas flow, and more. We will provide robust in-situ solutions for your needs.

Dendritic growth imaged on PrismaXRM (Sigray’s leading XRM prior to EclipseXRM’s release) on a Zn-ion battery.
Ref: Qian, G., Zan, G., Li, J., Lee, S.-J., Wang, Y., Zhu, Y., Gul, S., Vine, D. J., Lewis, S., Yun, W., Ma, Z.-F., Pianetta, P., Lee, J.-S., Li, L., Liu, Y., Structural, Dynamic, and Chemical Complexities in Zinc Anode of an Operating Aqueous Zn-Ion Battery. Adv. Energy Mater. 2022, 12, 2200255.
In-situ cells are manufactured by a variety of manufacturers and can provide heating, T&C, fluid flow, and electrical power

Technical Specifications of the EclipseXRM-910

OverallSpatial Resolution0.3 µm
Resolution at Large Working Distances
(100mm diameter sample)
ContrastUnique forms of contrast (phase contrast, Multi-Spectral Source) for biological, polymer, and geological imaging.
Ask for our white paper.
SourceSource 1Nanofocus X-ray source
160 kVp
Tungsten target on diamond
Source 2 (Optional)Multi-Spectral Source (MSS)
100W, 50 kVp
Up to 5 x-ray target materials.
Includes selection from Cr, Cu, Rh, W, Mo, Au, Ti, Ag.
Others available upon request.
Detector(s)TypesTwo detectors provided standard
Detector 1Large FOV (6.7 MP)
CMOS Technology
*Optional upgrades to 13 or 27 MP are possible.
Detector 2 UltraVision-HDX Detector
CMOS Technology
SoftwareCommand and ControlSigray 3D
Features intuitive interface and AI for acquisition without requiring extensive training
ReconstructionGigaRecon - fastest commercial CBCT reconstruction software (ask for our white paper)
Offset ScansExpands the horizontal FOV for ultrawide samples
Helical ScanEnabled for tall, cylindrical samples
AutoPilotAI-assisted microscope operation for unsupervised acquisition
Linux WorkstationInterface is on a Windows workstation, while a separate robust Linux workstation controls the system. Advantageous for reliable 24-7 operation.
EPICSOpen-source software controls for maximum flexibility and software extendibility
Dimensions and SystemFootprint100.8" L x 53.6" W x 85.3" H
StagesMaintenance-free air bearing rotary stage (recommended).
Mechanical stages available upon request for rare use cases (e.g. facilities limitations).


The system is new (released at the end of 2023) and it takes time to publish!
We are currently working on publishing with several groups around the world.

Please contact us through the form below if you need a brochure, applications note, or technical white paper.

Contact Us

Interested in how the Sigray EclipseXRM™ will help your particular application?
For a quotation, brochure, and to inquire about a demonstration of the system on your particular research interests, please fill out the following inquiry form and we will get back to you within 1-2 business days.