X-rays in Life Sciences
Sigray’s x-ray solutions for life sciences include 3D x-ray microscopes, microXRF systems, and x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) systems. These systems are used for multi-scale 3D imaging, spanning from organs to subcellular structures (virtual histology) and metallomics.
3D Virtual Histology with X-ray Microscopes
Biological tissue and organic materials are often considered among the most challenging materials for both electron and x-ray-based approaches. This is because such samples tend to charge under an electron beam and are often too poorly attenuating for x-rays to achieve suitable contrast. Sigray has introduced several major innovations in x-ray microscopy to address these challenges at resolutions ranging from sub-cellular to cellular scales (30nm to 5-10 µm):
- A patented multi-target quasi-monochromatic x-ray source in ChromaXRM, enabling the highest absorption contrast achievable in the laboratory at submicron 3D resolution
- Novel tri-contrast imaging in PrismaXRM, providing access to new contrast mechanisms that reveal features in soft and biological materials that would otherwise be invisible using x-rays
- A 2.7 keV x-ray energy source in the TriLambda nanoXRM, delivering 30–100nm 3D resolution in cells
With Sigray’s nanoCT and microCT solutions, researchers can virtually rotate, measure, section, and dissect organs and cells. These solutions are also ideal for correlative microscopy with electron-based techniques (e.g., FIB-SEM and FIB-TEM).

Insects (Entomology)
3D X-ray Microscopy (microCT) is a powerful tool for morphological measurements in insect taxonomy and for advancing the understanding of insect biodiversity, which remains poorly understood. In industrial applications, 3D x-ray imaging of insects aids in the development of effective pesticides by enabling researchers to observe changes in internal organs after treatment.