QuantumLeap X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Results Gallery

Ru K-edge f-mode EXAFS at 22 keV
Various Ru formulations taken at the K-edge (22 keV), showing the power of Sigray QuantumLeap for high energy fluorescence-mode EXAFS measurements. Data was acquired at 3 hours (Ru powder), 4 hours (RuO2), and 4.5 hours (RuP)

FEFF fit of Ru power fluorescence EXAFS results acquired in 3 hours - showing two Ru-Ru paths (2.69A and 3.04A).

Co Isosbestic Points
Isosbestic points seen in Co K-edge for four different samples. A Least Squares Linear Combination Fitting was performed on the spectra which indicated two distinct species: S1S1 (most reduced) and S1S2 (most oxidized). S1S3 and S1S4 were comprised of the two distinct species.
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comparison of the XANES of the Pt-hBN with the Pt foil shows that the Pt-species in Pt-hBN is an oxidized species compared to the Pt-foil, as the Pt-L3 edge moves to higher energy for the Pt-hBN catalyst sample. Acquired in 3 hours for Pt-foil.

Hydrogen Generation Pt Catalyst
Sigray QuantumLeap provides high signal-to-noise EXAFS results on a Pt-BN catalyst with <2% wt in fluorescence-mode. Pt. Results show Pt-N bonding with coordination number (CN) of ~1.2 and Pt-Pt CN as ~5.5. Both oxidized and reduced versions of Ni were found present in the results. Shown is the Pt-BN Catalyst in R space.

Fluorescence EXAFS of Co in NMC Samples
Fluorescence geometry EXAFS of Co in NMC Samples. Co (~3-5wt%) was low in the NMC battery samples, which were Ni-dominant. Analysis of the EXAFS shows that there are slightly longer bond lengths in the charged sample. Further, the XANES region shows that the Co in the discharged sample is reduced. Collected on QuantumLeap-H2000 using Ge-311 Johansson crystal.

Zirconium foil
K-edge of Zirconium foil at its absorption K-edge of ~18 keV. QuantumLeap H2000 is uniquely capable of K edges of high Z elements (up to 25 keV).

Ni Foil to high K Space
Nickel foil reference taken to demonstrate high SNR to high k-space on QuantumLeap

Pre-edge peaks in Rutile
High energy resolution of QuantumLeap used to resolve three pre-edge peaks of Rutile samples.

Mn in Ni-dominant NMC Battery Sample
Mn edge acquired in fluorescence geometry XAS on QuantumLeap H2000. The low concentration of Mn (2%) and the high concentration of Ni prevented these two NMC samples from being successfully imaged standard transmission mode XAS. Acquired using Ge-311 cylindrically curved Johansson crystal. Edge shows shift in the discharged versus charged samples.
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